Saturday, January 28, 2012

a few photos, and for Monday

Just a few photos from my camera--(some I didn't take, and sorry about the undead look!).

For Monday, (phew, I know, but nevertheless) come prepared to talk about the films we've seen relative to Nichols' modes or your blog posts or whatever else interests you. I will talk a bit (more) about Grierson, Tiara will present on Ivens, and Stephen on Riefenstahl.

Yesterday's screenings were interesting. I confess to being sad it's over. I wonder how the people in last year's class feel about this year's films relative to last year's. Certainly it seemed less exhausting, maybe because our final film was like a piece of Godiva chocolate (yummy, pretty, not too challenging or spicy), not a marathon like the Interrupters.

Atomic States of America Democracy Now! Video

Hi all,

Here's a link to a Democracy Now! news segment featuring the Atomic States of America: