Wow--hectic day talking about The Help and getting the tickets out to people (although I still have some to deliver at the first screening. Make sure to come a bit early to the Broadway, especially if you need to get tickets from me).
As I have time to look over the films we are seeing, I get more and more excited about the week. As we discussed, I cut and paste the descriptions of the films onto the screening report for every film, and will take notes on the back of those sheets and fill out the front right there after the screening. Do whatever works for you to keep track of what we see--that's just my method.
I enjoyed both the presentations on Wednesday--it was interesting to hear Flaherty's wife talk about their project with Nanook, as well as Van's take on Vertov, tying his filmmaking into the (almost) worship of mechanical or technological enhancements to humanity. I also thought about how Grierson's project (making industrialization palatable to the masses, if you will; "I look on cinema as a pulpit") relates to Vertov's (life as it is; the prose of life).
OK! Here we go!!